Your Original partcaster

Με το έχετε τη δυνατότητα να δημιουργήσετε το σώμα της αρεσκείας σας και με μια μοναδική υπηρεσία στην Ελλάδα, να αποτυπώσετε το δικό σας εικαστικό, φτιάχνοντας έτσι ένα πρωτότυπο (στην κυριολεξία) όργανο. Στις σελίδες αυτού του site θα βρείτε επίσης, επιλεγμένους προμηθευτές με ιδιαίτερα parts ώστε να ολοκληρώσετε με επιτυχία το όλο project.
Δείτε τα πρώτα βήματα

The Noiz Circus

Στις 3 Δεκεμβρίου περάσαμε καταπληκτικά! Ο φίλος μας ο Κώστας Παπαπάνος, είχε την ωραία ιδέα να μας μαζέψει όλους -επαγγελματίες και μή- για ένα μεγάλο τζαμάρισμα. Για μένα ήταν μία ευχάριστη εμπειρία, γιατί η προηγούμενη φορά που έπαιξα μπροστά σε κοινό ήταν πρίν 30 χρόνια. Περισσότερα



All you need for your Custom Shop Guitar

Σήμερα, με τη βοήθεια του Internet, την ανάπτυξη του e-commerce και την ισοτιμία ευρώ-δολαρίου, ο καθένας μας μπορεί να βρεί ότι θέλει και σε ότι τιμή θέλει. Σε αυτή την ενότητα παραθέτω κάποιος από τους προμηθευτές που έχω χρησιμοποιήσει και είχα καλές και ασφαλείς συναλλαγές και πραγματικά καλά παραδοτέα προϊόντα.
Επίσης κάποιους άλλους που σκοπεύω στο μέλλον να χρησιμοποιήσω ή θα ήθελα να κάποια στιγμή να έχω προϊόντα τους. Φυσικά και υπάρχουν πάρα πολλές άλλες λύσεις και προτάσεις που με μεγάλη μου χαρά, μετά από τις υποδείξεις σας, θα προσθέσω στη σελίδα.

Bodies & Necks

B. Hefner

USA Guitar bodies & necks licenced by Fender. One of my preferde suppliers. Hefner


USA guitar bodies & necks. Low prices. Woodtone


USA fine guitar bodies & necks. Musikraft

KNE Guitars

USA handmade guitar bodies & necks. KNE Guitars

Guitar Suppliers

Looking for the best prices on the highest quality, pro-luthier approved guitar parts in Europe. GS

USA Guitars

USA fine guitar parts licenced by Fender.  USA Guitars


UK home to all your Guitar parts And Spares needs. AxeRus


USA Vintage correct Partss. GM

Monster Relic

We specialises in supplying authentic looking clone guitar parts for retrofitting vintage or custom relic guitars. Monster Relic


Low prices bodies & necks. Eden Parts


Bare Knuckle

Bare Knuckle Pickups is a privately owned business based in the South West of England, UK, specialising in hand-wound electric guitar pickups. Bare Knuckle


It’s been five years now since our first mail order and walk-in customers discovered the rich sound and unrivalled balance of Tonerider pickups. Tonerider

Lundgren Pickups

Our guitar pickups are designed and manufactured to give your sound a push in the right direction… Lundgren


Wizard Pickups Ltd has evolved from the UK’s leading pickup repair and restoration service. Wizard


Q Tuners

Q-tuners are the world’s first guitar and bass pickups being powered by high efficiency neodymium magnets. Q Tuners

Midi & Piezzo Systems

Roland GK

The Roland GK3 KIT Hex Pickup Kit for Internal Fitting. Roland GK


The Hexpander adds MIDI capability to almost any guitar or bass. Plug your guitar into pitch-to-MIDI converters by Roland and Axon. Graphtech


The world’s finest acoustic pickup for your electric guitar! Fishman


The Dual System is the most important Schertler product in the acoustic guitar amplification domain. Schertler

B Band

The finest pickup choice for acoustic steel or nylon string guitars. B Band



Our most popular item, the Stop Tail model is designed to fit guitars such as the Gibson Les Paul, SG, ES 335, Flying V and other guitars that share the common Gibson specification for stop tail positioning. Stetsbar


Kahler’s are a better tonal alternative to traditional tremolos. Wammiworld


The newly patented TREM KING is a vibrato system for guitars that uses the fixed bridge concept. Tremking


Our “Drop -In” Double-Locking Tremolo System that Does Not Require Any Permanent Modifications to Your Guitar. Super-vee

Hipshot Babygrand

Introducing a combination bridge/tailpiece with a distinctive new shape for solidbody guitar! Hipshot


The TREMMA guitar vibrato bridge will suit all genres of music from Blues, jazz, rock, metal, country, indy, you name it! Tremma

Others Accessories

Q Parts

Since 1997 Q-Parts has consistently introduced new and innovative products into the market. Q Parts

Guitar Hanger

The Guitar Hanger makes storing your guitar as easy as hanging up a shirt! Guitar Hanger

Guitar Straps

Levy’s is a leading manufacturer of consumer leather and nylon goods with manufacturing facilities in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Levy’s Music


A World of Guitar Parts Designed to Enhance your Identity and Image. Greasygroove

Guitar Kits

BYO Guitars

It is our goal to insure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase! Byo

Diy Guitars

Since 2007, TomoTone DIY Guitar Shop has provided guitar building supplies and complete “DIY” builder kits to fine customers all through the UK, Ireland, Europe, North America and Australia. DIY Guitars

Guitars kits UK

Here at guitar kits you will be sure to find a guitar kit for you.

CS France

Bienvenue sur CS France


An independent Melbourne based company that specialises in providing guitar kits to all corners of Australia and other world. Guitarworx

Precision guitarkits

Making a guitar, making your own guitar is something very special… Precisionguitarkits

ML Factory

An Ebay Store in Germany… ML Factory


Everything here to build your own guitar… Swiftmusic

Guitar kits USA
This is the only authorized source for Res-O-Glas guitars. Guitar Kits Usa



Almost all (sealers, colors, final finishing) for your body painting. Sonax


For final finishing. 3M